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Artificial Turf

Artificial Turf - an increasingly popular option

Artificial turf is more than just an alternative to grass, instead filling an entirely different niche all on its own. 

As towns and cities continue to urbanise, the space to work with around your home or business has become tighter, denser and more compact. Oftentimes there are areas that are simply too small to cultivate a healthy lawn, thin strips of dirt that get too much foot traffic for a lawn to take hold or zones that receive little sunlight. 

The solution, as you might have guessed, is artificial turf.
When installed correctly, the turf remains firmly in place with little need for maintenance or adjusting. 

Artificial turf is seeing a lot of popularity in small residential courtyards, but also in and around retail stores, consultancies and other business with guaranteed foot traffic. This is because it generally looks tidier than a real lawn (with its bare patches and weeds) and also costs next to nothing to maintain. 
Given its 10-15 year lifespan, artificial turf makes as a great investment into the longevity and showcased sophistication of your business. 

Looking for real grass instead of fake? Check out our lawn options.


- Easy Maintenance: No need for lawn mowing, hole filling, watering or fixing muddy areas.
Seamless: Appears (and functions) as one faultless continuous lawn.
Drainage: Requires pre-manipulation of the ground to be flat and smooth, small irrigation channels are made when laying.
Sunlight: The turf does not require sunlight to grow, and when illuminated by the sun shines a rich, vibrant green.
Watering: No watering needed, handy when in a drought!
Professional: Fill in the untidy areas around your business, add an air of sophistication and a splash of colour. 
Customisable: Can be cut to any shape to fill any space seamlessly.
Long Lasting: When properly installed, artificial turf will last for at least 10-15 years. 

We source our artificial turf from Unreal Lawns, click on their logo to check out their website.

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