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Spring Is Coming

If you plan to have a complete garden design or want to refresh part of your garden, we will be happy to do this for you. Whether your back or front yards, and whether you need advice or a full garden plan, just give us a call.

If you plan to have a complete garden design or want to refresh part of your garden, we will be happy to do this for you. Whether your back or front yards, and whether you need advice or a full garden plan, just give us a call.

Whether your outdoor space is generous in size or confined to a smaller area, there are creative ways to make any landscape design both beautiful and functional. The first step in achieving this though, is developing a clear plan.

Spring is time for planting

Before buying any plants, we suggest that you check your garden for sunlight and shade, whether the soil is well drained or waterlogged, what the pH of the soil is and whether your garden is sheltered or exposed to wind.
Only then will you be able to choose the best plants for your garden; shade-loving plants for sheltered areas, sun-loving varieties for warm spots, drought-resistant plants for drier areas (which may be either sunny or shaded), or plants for specific garden designs; whether coastal, Japanese, cottage, wildflower, modern, or traditional English.
It is a good idea to choose an overall style for the garden and to stick with it. When you begin your design project, it is good to make a simple drawing of the design to help visualize your concept.

Our Designs are clear lifelike images

Smaller spaces are where a designer can get really creative. Making the most out of a small garden is having multipurpose areas and getting the scale of plants and hard landscaping elements correct to make the space feel larger.

Find the top three features that you want out of the space – for example, entertaining, functionality and style – then pick up the phone and call us. Let us apply some basic principles like scale, simplicity, balance and unity to create the space.

Great gardens don't just happen – they're the result of careful planning and observation. Visionscapes has a creative team of designers and uses life-like 3D rendering of the design for the client to really picture and understand all elements of the design. Greenscapes Landscape and Garden Supplies, along with Visionscapes Landscaping and Design, was formed to offer a one-stop solution in providing all the essentials to upgrade outdoor spaces across Auckland and the Waikato.

The highly qualified design team has over 20 years’ experience and is renowned for combining creative design with technical expertise to deliver outstanding landscape design solutions, matched with a skilled bunch of landscapers on board who work together to provide the best possible finishing.

Landscape Concept Design

This package includes:

  • A plan view of your property/section
  • Two renderings of the design areas
  • One consultation during the design process
  • PDF Copy of the plan and A3 laminated plan designs for you to keep.

Complete Design Package

This package includes:

  • Detailed A3 colour print renderings of various spaces and key features around the design
  • Planting list/plan
  • Dimension plan
  • 3D rendering of the entire design/property.
  • Virtual geo location of property to provide accurate shadow studies to ensure plants/decks/pools are appropriately positioned
  • 2 consultations during the design process
  • 1 final consultation at our studio for a virtual walkthrough of the detailed 3D rendering of your design up on the big TV screen